Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Long day, glad it's over.

Work and then dinner at Oma's tonight (like every Wednesday). She made shake and bake chicken, sugar snap peas, buttercup squash, salad and asparagus. It was great, I love how she makes so many veggies for me. Since we are having Easter dinner over at her house a week from Sunday I didn't want her to cook next week so I am going to bring her (and I) some tacos from the local place. She loves that but has trouble ordering so I like to bring them to her every once in awhile. I'm going to go there on Tuesday next week instead of Wednesday so it's not the day right before weigh Mexican food :)

I was going to go to a cardio combat class after Oma's but I barely slept last night (I was up until about 3am just trying to fall asleep, UGH) so instead I went to the gym to walk on the treadmill. I ended up doing the forest walk for 20 minutes, then walking a mile, running a mile and walking another one...that is what you get when there is good stuff on tv. Well I guess it wasn't good but it was the trashiest show I've seen in awhile (Pretty Wild). I have never seen it before but boy is it trashy, it held my interest for awhile LOL. I'll try the cardio combat class next week since it's only $6 for an hour.

Hopefully bedtime comes early tonight! Weigh in tomorrow and I haven't peeked at all but I feel good about it.


  1. I hate when I can't sleep. It's the worst.

    Now, what channel is that show on?

    Good luck with Mr. Scale tomorrow, Skinny, and good night!

  2. "Pretty Wild" is pretty trashy but you can't help but watch...Those girls make time fly on the treadmill! Enjoying your blogs! Check out mine sometime! Good Luck weighing in!

  3. Genie I don't even know what channel...LOL it's got to be bravo or E but it is a terribly ridculous show, if i figure it out i'll let you know!
