Monday, July 12, 2010

great weekend and back on track

I had a great weekend but definitely ate more then I should have. I tried to even it out by going to the gym each day but I'm pretty sure it didn't! I'm back on track today though. I was OP all day long even though I made chocolate chip cookies for work for tomorrow.

I went to the gym and had a great workout. 35 minutes on the arc trainer, 20 on the elliptical and strength training for my arms. I also ACTUALLY started the 100 sit up a day challenge for 30 days. I started it last Thursday but I didn't want to say anything because I have started it and failed so many times it's ridiculous. This time I've kept it up everyday and I'm pretty happy with myself. I'm doing 40 regular crunches, 20 on each side bicycle style and then 20 leg raises in the roman chair (no not technically a sit up but it's supposed to be the best for your lower abs so it's getting done).

I've got a lot planned this weekend and I'm excited about all of it, concert on Wednesday night, MMA fights on Friday night, lobster boil at my new guy's house on Saturday. It's going to be a fun weekend.


  1. 100 sit ups a day! Hurray for you, Skinny! It's so great to be 28, single, and loving your life, isn't it?

  2. i don't think i'm in the single catagory anymore hmmmmm...i guess i should write something about that.
