Saturday, April 17, 2010

SV and a rainy weekend

I haven't written since the night before my weigh in, whoops! My weigh in was on Thursday night and I was down -1.6lbs. That make my weight 137.2 (started at 164.6 on January 4, 2010). My total loss so far is 27.something. Yay me!

After my weigh in wanted to go out and have a HUGE burger. So I went to Uno and got a burger with Cabot cheddar, mushrooms, guacamole, lettuce and tomatoes AND the fries that went along with it! I was all set to totally go to town but boy was I surprised when I could only eat 1/2 that dang burger! I mean what the hell? I used to eat appetizers, a meal and sometimes dessert and now I can't even get a whole restaurant size burger down! Ridiculous! I guess it's good in the long run and I left the other half there since I didn't want to have 2 non OP days.

It's been rainy and cold the last few days here, such a disappointing change from the kick ass sunny weather we've been having. Last night I went out for some adult beverages and I wore a fitted flannel shirt that I bought back in December even though there was no chance it would fit then. I went from looking the like incredible hulk after he becomes mad to it fitting perfectly :) it felt so great and I got lots of compliments.

Made the best of the rainy morning and I hit up the gym for a nice long workout. 35 minutes on the arc trainer, 20 minutes on the elliptical, strength training for my arms and then a 15 minute walk on the treadmill to cool down. Today is a good day :) enjoy the weekend!


  1. Yay you! Thats an amazing weight loss. Here too the weather turned crappy. Ugh.

  2. Great job, Skinny! Love the story about the flannel shirt. Only being able is eat 1/2 of that burger is huge progress. Enjoy your weekend, too!

  3. I have noticed that the meals that I took joy in eating before no longer have that great feeling. I used to go into a sugar comma, now It just doesn't do it for me.
